Welcome to My North Kensington

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About Us

Our Mission: At New Wave Arts CIC, we are driven by a deep passion for the North Kensington community and a strong belief in the transformative power of the arts. Founded with a purpose, our mission is clear: to shine a spotlight on the rich tapestry of history and talent that resides in this vibrant community. We are dedicated to creating opportunities and providing educational resources that empower individuals to explore their creative potential. Our ultimate goal is to inspire dreams, foster talent, and offer a positive outlet through artistic expression.


Our Core Values:

  1. Nurturing Creative Talent: We are committed to helping young and aspiring talent discover their creative abilities, providing them with the skills and opportunities needed to pursue a rewarding career in the arts. Our diverse range of courses and internships covers acting, dancing, music production, film production, cinematography, and more.
  2. Community Safety: We prioritize the safety and well-being of the North Kensington community. We recognize the importance of well-lit and secure public spaces. That’s why we actively advocate for improved lighting, especially under the Westway, to enhance safety in high-risk areas and protect vulnerable community members.


Our Projects: Our journey began with a powerful documentary that captured the essence of the North Kensington community. We interviewed over 80 individuals, each with their unique stories, to showcase the community’s immense history and talent. This documentary, honoured with the Best Local Film award and nominated for the Best Film and Best Documentary at the Portobello Film Festival, stands as a testament to our commitment to preserving the legacy of this remarkable place.

Currently, we are working on the “Walk of Honour” project, an innovative initiative to celebrate the spirit of North Kensington. This walkway, beneath the iconic Westway, will feature five prominent stars, each representing a different facet of our community: Community, Market, Sports, Music, and Arts. Illuminated by strategically placed lights, this project not only highlights the stars but also brightens the area, making it safer and more inviting for everyone, day or night.

At New Wave Arts CIC, we are driven by a vision of a thriving and creative North Kensington community, where every individual has the opportunity to explore their artistic passions, and where safety and unity flourish. Join us in this exciting journey of discovery, expression, and empowerment.

Award Winning Documentary

My North Kensington is a series of documentaries that trace the history of North Kensington from 1945 to the present day

Do you have anything you would like to share? We are constantly updating and adding material to the website, so we encourage people to reach out if they have anything they would like to contribute.